Sunday, 26 February 2012


  • Getaran adalah gerak bolak balik suatu benda secara periodik melalui titik setimbangnya.
  • Menurut benda yang bergetar dan cara bergetarnya, getaran dibedakan:
      • Getaran ayunan, contohnya bandul jam
      • Getaran selaras, contohnya pada pegas
      • Getaran tunggal, contohnya pada alat musik kulintang
  • Alat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang memanfaatkan getaran:
      • Jam dinding, bagian yang bergetar bandul jam, jenis getarannya ayunan
      • Gong, bagian yang bergetar badan gong, jenis getarannya selaras
      • Gitar, bagian yang bergetar senarnya (saat dipetik), jenis getarannya tunggal
      •  Ayunan, yang bergetar tali ayunan, jenis getaran ayunan
      • Biola, yang bergetar senarnya, jenis getarannya tunggal, dll

Saturday, 25 February 2012


~ Earthquakes, or seismic tremors occur when energy stored within the Earth suddenly releases.
~ The energy stored is usually in the form of strain in rocks. This energy is transmitted to the surface of the earth by earthquake waves.
~ The centre where the earthquake energy release is called focus.
~ Epicentre is the highest energy of seismic waves occur.
~ There are two kinds of earthquakes : tectonic and volcanic.
~ Tectonic earthquakes are caused by the sudden release of energy stored within the rocks a long a fault. The released energy is produced by the strain on the rocks due to movement within Earth.
~ Volcanic earthquakes occur near active volcanoes but have the same fault slip (or landslide) mechanism as tectonic earthquakes.